

  • The study conducted by Wells, Graham, and Hepper showed that dogs were calmer and more relaxed while listening to classical music. (Wells, D.L. & Graham, L. & Hepper, P.G.. (2002). The influence of auditory stimulation on the behavior of dogs housed in a rescue shelter. Animal Welfare. 11. 385-393.)
  • A research study found that classical music significantly reduced environmental stress in kennelled dogs at an animal rescue center. (Bowman, A & Spca, Scottish & Dowell, Fiona & Evans, Neil. (2015). ‘Four Seasons’ in an animal rescue centre; classical music reduces environmental stress in kennelled dogs. Physiology & behavior. 143. 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.02.035. )
  • Harp music therapy on hospitalized canines showed a significant decrease in discomfort, anxiety, and restlessness. (The Harp Therapy Journal, 8(2), 1, 4-5,15. Boone, A., & Quelch, V. (2003) )
  • The study on behavioral effects of auditory stimulation on dogs finds that classical music helps dogs spend more time sleeping. (Lori R. Kogan, Regina Schoenfeld-Tacher, Allen A. Simon, Behavioral effects of auditory stimulation on kenneled dogs, Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Volume 7, Issue 5, 2012, Pages 268-275, ISSN 1558-7878)
  • In 2012, a study showed that solo instruments with slower tempos and less complex arrangements had a greater calming effect than faster selections with more complex harmonic and orchestral content.
  • When the therapeutic effects of music on dogs was explored, the results showed that exposure to classical music had a calming influence on dogs in stressful environments. (Lindig, Abigail & McGreevy, Paul & Crean, Angela. (2020). Musical Dogs: A Review of the Influence of Auditory Enrichment on Canine Health and Behavior. Animals. 10. 10.3390/ani10010127. )

Other animals:

  • A study found on chicks that were treated with imprinting enrichment and music was less fearful than the control group. (Gvaryahu, G. & Cunningham, D. & Tienhoven, A.. (1989). Filial Imprinting, Environmental Enrichment, and Music Application Effects on Behavior and Performance of Meat Strain Chicks. Poultry Science. 68. 211-217. 10.3382/ps.0680211.)
  • A research study found rats who listened to Mozart finished their maze much faster? (Frances Rauscher, Desix Robinson & Jason Jens (1998) Improved maze learning through early music exposure in rats, Neurological Research, 20:5, 427-432, DOI: 10.1080/01616412.1998.11740543)
  • A study conducted by Uetake, Katsuji & Hurnik, J.F. & Johnson, L.., showed music has a stimulatory effect that influences behavioural readiness of cows to access the milking compartments of an automatic milking system. (Uetake, Katsuji & Hurnik, J.F. & Johnson, L.. (1997). Effect of music on voluntary approach of dairy cows to an automatic milking system. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 53. 175-182. 10.1016/S0168-1591(96)01159-8. )